Star Trek II


Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

This is it. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Seriously. What else is there to say? Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

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  1. Guest says:

    The Official Magazine left off the number 2 in the title and why is Khan considered the best Trek film ?

    • Tegan Bigone says:

      Best soundtrack, best uniforms, best drama, best Enterprise battle, best emotional vampire, best Star Trek cinematography, best realistic interaction among characters, best interpretation of the “Federation/Star Fleet” atmosphere, best anchoring of the Star Trek universe to the real world of earth (as Kirk would later express, “I’m from Iowa; I only WORK in space”).

      • deaddropsd says:

        This movie was gritty, bloody and the best of all Trek movies ever made. The soundtrack was exciting and the special effects were on point. Bummer about the Chekov and appearance of Khan’s crew inconsistency, but otherwise a perfect movie!

  2. Will Wright says:

    Notice that number 2 is missing…..

  3. Will Wright says:

    ST: The Magazine cover’s the Director’s cut DVD

  4. Tegan Bigone says:

    GREAT podcast!.
    During the discussion on terraforming and the religious undertones of making new worlds, I was reminded of a joke I once heard.

    A group of scientists said to God, “We have no need of You. We are daily learning the secrets of the universe, and it will only be a matter of time before we know how to make universes ourselves! We can do anything; we can even make a man in a test tube!”

    “Oh, My,” God replied. “That sounds impressive. But, um… can you make a man out of the dirt of the earth, like I did?”

    And bending down to scoop up some dirt of the earth, the scientists replied, “Of course we can! There is nothing that science can’t achieve! Watch this!”

    But God said, “Wait a minute. That’s MY dirt. Make your own.”

  5. Ryan Peterson says:

    Going with Mr. Champion’s comments about James Horner’s score being “reused” in Battle Beyond the Stars, have you ever paid attention to the music in both Krull and Aliens? Definite flashes of TWOK. Not a criticism. I’m just saying.

    • Tracey Stewart says:

      YES! I guess I hadn’t seen either in quite a while, watched Krull a few months ago – and had extreme flashbacks all throughout TWOK. It’s not references – it’s out and out reuse. Remarkable.

  6. Pancho planet says:

    Most definitely agree, this is #1.
    Great job Ken & John, you guys have brought out the true treky in me.
    Thank you.

  7. Lauralee von Husen Albert says:

    Absolutely holds up, still an edge-of-your-seat thriller to this day, still love it!

  8. Low Mileage Pit Woofie says:

    Oh, those uniforms. I love them! The colours, the design, everything! Little wonder they remained for so long, not just in the movies but in the Trek timeline.
    My own favourite detail to the story? Kirk’s complementary birthday gifts: Spock gave him a book, and McCoy gave him reading glasses!

  9. Will Wright says:

    Original Filming Model – designed by Joe Jennings, Mike Minor and Lee Cole, The Reliant was reused in STIV:TVH as the USS Saratoga – and again many times in Next Gen & DS9.

  10. David Dylan says:

    This movie gets better with age, the more you age – sure. But also because as each new movie gets made, you hardly realize how the lines of dialog grow shorter, the number of quips increase, people look sexier, the camera moves a bit more, the cutting quickens … until you see this movie again, and you say ‘oh my god, what have they doing to us?!?’

  11. KatieN says:

    I loved this movie! I think everything about it- costumes, dialogue, plot, humor, character development, etc.- was great. Despite knowing what was going to happen (since I knew the newer Wrath of Khan redid the Spock death scene), I sobbed through the end. Though, I may have been emotionally projecting Nimoy’s death onto the scene. I totally agree about the straightening the uniform- it’s such a simple movement, so true to Spock’s character.

    To me, that’s exactly what this movie did right. It was an examination of these characters through the eyes of a friend. We love them, but we are intimate enough to see their faults- be they endearing or unflattering. Kirk’s roguishness is more winky than imposing. Spok’s logic is more classic than alienating. The enterprise is once again home turf rather than a once-beloved pet who no longer recognizes us.

    Yes, maybe the duality of Good Kirk vs. Bad Khan lacked a bit of nuance but I think the complex ethical questions associated with the genesis project made up for this.

    I actually didn’t like the Khan episode of TOS. The lieutenant fawning all over Khan’s “rugged manliness from a bygone era” left a bad taste in my mouth. And to be frank, Khan just felt super rape-y, which prevented him from being the baddie we love to hate. Without that uncomfortable dynamic, however, I found the character to be interesting and engaging. Khan’s “madness” was played very well, I agree.

    I can’t believe I waited so long to watch the movies!