Happy Thanksgiving!

November 23, 2016

The Magicks of Megs-Tu
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Your Mission Log crew are taking time this holiday to be with friends and family, and we wish the best of times to everyone of you as well. Your regularly scheduled Mission Log will return next Thursday at 12:00am PST. Remember, no matter where you are, your Star Trek Pals are most of all thankful for you!

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  1. CmdrR says:

    Did Puritans and Conquistadors really live side by side? Something to ponder this holiday season. Oh well, Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Earl Green says:

    Have a good holiday and safe travels, all reading this. May all your synthetic meat loaves look like turkey (but taste like chicken), and may all of your family’s political differences be solved in a free-for-all game of Warlords on the ol’ Atari. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1b684cd0072a42e6a6331466a29284417edff904f254b612acbf17eabaa92d6.jpg